Florence, Wisconsin
On May 22, 2002, Irene Borkowski introduced me to JC Tonic® and I'd like to thank her for that, as well as Anthony and Roger.
I stubbed my toe very hard many years ago. It was very sensitive to the touch and hurt at times. That's all gone. My digestion has improved. I can eat things that I couldn't before, such as raw onions, chili and spaghetti. I can eat them now with gusto. Also, about the time I was ready to go to sleep, I'd get terrible pain and have to sit up for a long time. That's all gone. Now the dog and I snack on cheese or herring just before going to bed with no problem.
My hearing was very bad. I couldn't hear well on the phone and the voices on TV were jumbled. Last November, I was listening to a phone conference call, straining my ear to catch every word. I put the receiver to left ear and to my alarm, it was mute. I couldn't hear a whisper. Several months later, I started to hear the man giving the news on TV. Then I noticed I could hear better on the phone. I can now put the receiver on my left ear and hear. I also heard the phone ring while I was in another room, which I couldn't do before.
My circulation has improved. I sleep with just a few light covers. I have reduced my nighttime trips to the bathroom from five to two.
I went to the beauty shop. The operator ran her fingers through my hair and said, "You have a lot of hair." Then again she said, "Your hair is very think." That was the golden opportunity to tell her why it was so thick. Before taking JC Tonic®, it was falling out and getting thin. I explained how JC Tonic® would cleanse your blood and the blood would go to the top of your head to the tips of your toes.
My night driving has improved. A year ago, the lights blinded me. Recently, I have been on the road a dozen times at night without fear. My eyes aren't watering a much. That condition was bad for daytime driving.
For year I had pain. First, pain below the left knee, then sever pain in the left thigh and my back has improved. Some days are pain-free and that is Seventh Heaven. Two years ago I would shop at the mall and use an electric cart. Now I go on my own power.
I never show my ID card when I ask for a senior discount. My face has a lot of wrinkles. One day I asked for a senior discount and this intelligent looking girl said, "You have to be 55 or older." I said, "Thanks for the compliment, I'm 86." She called another girl over to tell her I was 86. They said, "What do you eat?" I told them I take JC Tonic® and told them more about it. I feel they judged my mobility, as I didn't have a cane, walker or wheelchair.
I shop for groceries weekly and sometimes see a friend who comments, "How have you been this winter?" I say, "Wonderful! No colds or flu. I'm taking JC Tonic®." That is my opener to tell about JC Tonic® and what it has done for me.
I had more energy, but I wanted that burst of energy most people experience when taking JC Tonic®. This story is a little off the cuff. Many years ago, my brother invited us for New Year's Eve. He said he'd serve martinis and after one or two you would get "the glow." I had never heard that expression before. One Thursday night, it happened. I listened to the JCWW phone conference call that ends at 9 p.m. our time. Other nights, I would have headed for bed. I was wide-awake and called my cousin to congratulate her on her wonderful testimonial.
It was almost 10 p.m., but I wanted to talk JC Tonic® some more. I called my mentor, Carolin Hallada, and talked for a long time. Still full of energy, I wrote a letter to a friend who had a stroke. Usually, I'd write a sentence and wonder what to say next. That night my mind was as sharp as a tack. The words just flowed from my pen. I completed a few more projects. I thought, how will I tell my daughter in the morning of this glad-to-be-alive feeling? And then I knew. I had "the glow" and it wasn't from drinking a martini, but from a shot of JC Tonic®.