Jean, Colorado
I am writing this, because I know that there are people like me who really do not believe the tonic is helping them. Even though I have seen a total change in Lenny, I thought maybe this tonic is for certain people, but I kept hoping that just maybe if I continued taking it, it might work.
Before the tonic, I was drinking a protein drink three times a day and eating three small meals, because I started to lift weights. I could not believe what I looked like. I was disgusted with myself. Then the phone call came about the tonic. We started taking it and it worked wonders on Len right away. But me, that was a different story.
I have had Chronic Fatigue all my life, a heart murmur, female problems, and low blood sugar. I never knew what it was like to feel really good. I continued to lift weights even though it made me feel worse, because of my fatigue, but Len kept encouraging me to take the tonic. Then I started seeing so many people who were taking the tonic change incredibly not only in the way they were feeling, but also in the way they looked in appearance. So, I continued taking the tonic and exercising.
At first, when taking the tonic, I was also very sleepy, so I took it one evening before bed, which was very early. Everett Potter came to visit and told me, "You watch, Jeanie, soon you will be getting up at 6:00 a.m. ready to go". I thought to myself, "I don't think so," because I just could not comprehend that happening and then, one morning, it happened! My eyes opened up and I jumped out of bed ready to go exercise. I felt totally alive within myself.
I will be 55 years old in April 2001 and I have never ever felt this good. I could not believe it. People I knew started telling me that I was really losing weight and asked if there was anything wrong with me. I felt bad now thinking I looked haggard, so I told Len to take a picture of me so I could see exactly how bad I looked. When the picture came back I could not believe what I saw, but this time I was happy and excited.
If you continue to take the tonic and not give up you also will see results in due time, not only on the inside but on the outside also. Also, I am excited to say no more fatigue, no female problems, flu (if it does start) quickly goes away, my low blood sugar is better, my fingernails thicker and longer, my hair is fuller (which I do not really need), my skin is softer and younger looking, and I am more confident within myself and more focused in my mind.
Anthony and Roger, words cannot tell you how I appreciate what you both did for me and Lenny and many others. You changed our lives not only with our health but financially. We, of course, are living a better quality of life. Also, thank you both for giving me a business I can work and give to people what you gave to us.